PG 600 (5DS)


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Maximizes pig flow by helping more gilts and weaned sows cycle, particularly in summer, producing
more pigs when market prices are high. For induction of estrus in prepuberal gilts and weaned sows
experiencing delayed return to estrus. For induction of estrus in healthy weaned sows experiencing
delayed return to estrus. Treatment will not induce estrus in gilts that have already reached puberty
(begun to cycle). Gilts that are less than five and one-half months of age or that weigh less than 85 kg
(187 lb.) may not be mature enough to continue normal estrus cycles or maintain a normal pregnancy to
full term after treatment.
For induction of estrus in prepuberal gilts and weaned sows experiencing delayed return to estrus.
The Swine Reproductive Tool
Combination of PMSG and hCG mimics naturally occurring reproductive hormones, FSH and LH
Induces heat in prepuberal gilts and weaned sows experiencing delayed return to estrus
89% of sows treated with P.G. 600 exhibit signs of estrus within four to five days of weaning1
Within 28 days of treatment, 72.9% of the gilts treated with P.G. 600 had been detected in heat
compared with 59.5% of the non-treated gilts2
Treatment with P.G. 600 increased the percentage of sows in estrus within seven (57.5 vs
40.9%) or 28 days (72.9 vs 59.5%); average interval to estrus was reduced (0.05 from 10.4 to 7.5
Reduction of non-productive days reduces feed costs and improves pig flow, which leads to
improved productivity
Fair Balance
Treatment will not induce estrus in gilts that have already reached puberty (begun to cycle). Gilts that
are less than 5 months of age or that weigh less than 85 kg (187 lb.) may not be mature enough to
continue normal estrus cycles or maintain a normal pregnancy to full term after treatment.
Treatment will not induce estrus in sows that are returning to estrus normally three to seven days after
weaning. Delayed return to estrus is most prevalent after the first litter; the effectiveness of P.G. 600
has not been established after later litters. Delayed return to estrus often occurs during periods of
adverse environmental conditions, and sows mated under such conditions may farrow smaller than
normal litters.

Additional information

Weight 0.18 lbs


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